
 Reunification Therapy

Family systems need to repair damaged relationships between parents and children, particularly in the aftermath of custody disputes, separation agreements, and divorces.

Reunification therapy is not family therapy. It is a goal-oriented process, operating within a legal framework, and is generally court ordered. The unique structure of reunification therapy is designed to restore, heal, and stabilize the injured relationship between parent and child. It is not only necessary, but critically important.

Ideally, I work pursuant to a court order which places the parents into family reintegration therapy and appoints me as the therapist.  

I only accept cases where both parents agree that it is in the child best interest to have healthy and safe relationships with both parents.

I only accept cases where the children are already spending parenting time with both parents, or there is a step-up parenting plan which contains incremental steps toward re-establishing parenting time with both parents.

I work with the entire family, that means I work with both parents, all children, members of each parents household, and extended family members when appropriate.

You must be willing to make changes in order for this work to be successful.